Meals and Milk
Lunch is served in each of the Cafeterias are part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The meal patterns required by the NSLP regulations are designed so that over a period of time, school lunches will provide children with approximately one-third of the nutrients they need according to the Recommended Dietary Allowances.
A school lunch consists of five different components:
1. Meat/Meat alternative
2. Bread/Bread alternative
3. Vegetables - 2 servings per day
4. Fruit
5. Milk
All five food items are offered daily. The Cafeteria staff encourages students to take all five items but students must choose at least 3 of the 5 to make a meal, with 1 of the 3 being either a serving of a fruit OR vegetable. With the introduction of the new federal regulation, Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, students MUST take either a fruit or vegetable to make a meal. Whether students choose 3, 4, or 5 items, the price of the meal is the same. This "offer vs serve" concept was instituted to encourage children who may not like one menu item to purchase lunch and to help eliminate the vast amount of plate waste generated by forcing children to accept products they will not eat.
Alternate entree choices are offered each week and a la carte items are available in each of our Cafeterias.
Milk choices are 1% white milk, chocolate milk, and strawberry milk when available.
The National School Lunch Program requires that schools offer only milk with a student meal. In order for a student to receive a substitute for their milk, a current physician's statement must be on file with the Food Service Office and school health room.
A current physician's statement must be submitted each school year.