Our Vision, Mission & Educational Values
These are the adopted Mission, Vision, Educational Values, and District Profile for the 2020-23 Future Ready Comprehensive Plan approved by the NWLSD School Board November 18, 2020.
Develop a community-minded learner who is prepared to grow and thrive in an ever-changing world.
The Northwestern Lehigh School District will create an environment where all students participate in highly engaging, relevant learning experiences. Together we utilize our collective talents to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their ability to be effective communicators, collaborators, and problem-solvers in order to contribute as valuable members of society.
Educational Values
We believe in ......
SHARED RESPONSIBILITY - students, staff, parents, and community collaborate in the shared responsibility of a meaningful education, which occurs both within and outside the school environment.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE WHOLE CHILD - our school will provide opportunities for the intellectual, technological, physical, social, and emotional development of all children.
CONTINUOUS LEARNING - all students are lifelong learners in a positive, safe, and respectful learning environment to develop skills such as flexibility, perseverance and self-awareness.
INDIVIDUAL POTENTIAL - all students need to be able to problem solve, use critical thinking skills, be able to collaborate with others, and have high expectations in order to fulfill their highest individual potential.
EMBRACING OUR COMMUNITY - all students can accept and embrace diverse cultures and differences, various abilities and interests, while positively contributing to the global and local community.
OPEN AND HONEST COMMUNICATION - all stakeholders make strong contributions to the District’s efficiency through active and respectful participation, trusting relationships using a positive attitude, focused efforts, and creative solutions.
District Profile
The Northwestern Lehigh School District comprises approximately 110 square miles in the Northwest corner of Lehigh County. The District is primarily rural, including many agricultural areas, but is also within driving distance of several major cultural centers, such as New York City, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Washington D.C. The District is slowly becoming more diverse, both culturally and economically. The District has many geographical and historical attributes, such as the Appalachian Trail and the Leaser Homestead, which is noted for the preservation of the Liberty Bell during the Revolutionary War.
The District includes one high school, one middle school, two elementary schools, and a digital academy program with a total enrollment of approximately 2,400 students. The District offers a variety of course options, including applied-level courses, career and technical education courses, and Advanced Placement courses, and many students even obtain college credits during their high school career. Our District campus is the central hub of the Northwestern Lehigh community and our program of studies provides a healthy balance of academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities. Strong community support is defined by active volunteerism, business partnerships, parent/teacher organizations, alumni and educational foundations, and athletic and activity organizations and School District facilities are frequently utilized by the community to house these events. Our District lacks a strong industrial presence; however, the small businesses within the District are primarily owned by Northwestern Lehigh School District residents. The District's community and business leaders support the educational and extracurricular programs of the school district by providing financial, moral, and physical support to our students. It is evident that the community revolves around the activities and accomplishments of the School District which signifies that the Northwestern Lehigh Schools are the heartbeat of this local community.